I am not taking any donations to keep our

taxes down


I will take a pay cut and if the city does not let me ? I  donate to  shelters for men and women because it will help!

I am tired of tax increase and bad spending .

I want to  stop tax grabs & increases


  I believe we have to be Environmentally Responsible and do something about it.   Why put pizza boxes in the green bins instead of the black box. That was a decision Steve Desroches  and why. The City wants to sell composting to the farmers.  The Mayor and Councillors should of used our tax dollars to build an incinerator to reduce our land fill and genarate electricity for Ottawa. 



   Some of our kids need help in different areas of schooling that are less fortunate with their skills and development.

 Also regarding zero tolerance for bullying of any kind against our kids and our teachers .

 Health Care 

Fix the problems with bus drivers so they don`t go on strike at again.  Every tax payer should have affordable public transportation so people would take a bus instead of a car and the burden should not be put on Ottawa Tax payers. I am going to push for the three governments the Municipal, Provincial and Federal to help with cost of the environmental point of view. The Mayor and some of Councillors have canceled the extension of the North\ South light rail that we have now and it cost the tax payers $177 million to cancel and just to start up the light rail tunnel. How much is the light rail tunal realy going to cost ?  I know Ottawa and tax payers can`t afford. At first it was 700 Million minimum for the light rail tunnel.  Now it is 900 Million . I`m guessing  that is not even near enough money for the light rail tunnel and they did not get approval from Federal government for the land yet.  Is that the way to do things?  I say no and it is time to change the way things are done. 

 Also the garage to house buses was to be about $54 million but now it cost $78 million to house the buses and it was to small now they want to build a third one because they still don't have enough room. If they are that far off for a small project how far off are they going to be for a big project.      
    Why don`t they use St. Laurent Shopping Center to store some buses? At least 30 Oc Transpo buses can start from St. Laurent and finish to save gas and where and tare, just install roll up gates at each ends of the lower level and it will save millions and better for the environment .
   I have  other ideals for better bus service without costing a fortune to the taxpayers money. Cost of regular fair in February $84.75 and March $91.50 . Is it worth taking a bus because it is going up again because our mayor and Councillor keep wasting like there is no tomorrow. Our taxes keep go up even when there are at least 2 to 3 thousand houses getting built up in Ottawa and they are getting revinue the houses. Do they deserve a pay raise I don`t think so ?  

 Our health care needs to be protected as well as the staff .  Stop needless spending. 

 Oc Transpo


What really did happen with funding?


Find out the truth about Lansdowne Park ?  Go to the web site { }

The Mayor and  some of the Councilor rush this through and Steve Desroches was one of them.

They did not get multiple bids. Only one contractor to do the job for Lansdowne Park which means the sky is the limit on the cost and that is just wrong in my book.

 Football does not work at Lansdowne Park and who wants to drive to a park & ride and then take a bus ?When they can just take a bus before when we had football ? It did not work back then when we had football it is not going to work now. Also the damage don to the lawns near Lansdowne and people getting ticketed  for parking on the streets to go to the football game? We should bring it south of Ottawa and get the franchise to help pay for it instead of our taxes? Also Voyager Bus terminal should be at Lansdowne Park so people can go to Winter-Lude, Tulip Festival, Blues fest, boat flotilla other festivals and anything else? We do not need more stores it will just hurt the stores on bank street.. Ottawa has a lot to offer right in the core of the city .

  Also consolidate 5 or 6 libraries and put a big one in Lansdowne and sale the land if Ottawa owns it or put an end to rental fees from the other libraries to offset the cost and would not have to pay property tax or rental fees on 5 or 6 libraries ? 

Maybe a large  aquarium also they can breed fish for the Canal and make revenue?  

 Our Mayor and Councilor wanted to by land to build a library? Ottawa owns Lansdowne Park so we do not have to purchase new land ?

 Why do you think the fedarel and provinchal goverment change there minds of $700 million to $ 600 million? I beleive it is because of the cancellation of North to South light rail.  It is my bellief this is why Ottawa lost  $200 million for a realy bad move on the Mayor and some of the Councilor decision.  I could be wrong?  But I doubt it.  

Lansdowne Park  



   Do you ever wonder why there is poverty in Ottawa and it needs to be fixed more shelters for the homeless and give them counseling so they can move forward for a better life and be back in the workforce and counseling and for people who are on welfare to get them off .

 We all want a better life for our selves and our kids ?  

 Social System


Some people are on the welfare system  because they are tired of the high taxes.   Think of all the things you are taxed on. Starting from your first pay check and a lot more if you put over 44 hours. That is just the beginning and now user fees on stuff you buy like buying a fridge. Come on when will it ever stop and what will the next thing to be taxed ???  


There are better plans for our ward 22 to make it much better . I can ask the right quetions ?

  If the federal , provincial and municipal stop wasting they would not have to come up with new ideal to tax . Especially  Municipal { Ottawa } has to stop wasting money for the Nation Capital. We should set the path to do the right thing .

Planning of ward 22 

Ottawa Hydro gives Ottawa 17 million from dividend and hydro that means Ottawa is double dipping and our Mayor & Councillors should be fired for this ? Why should  we pay $5 more for wind power if we want to go green it should cost the same.


   Don`t forget it is the ones who work that pay the taxes so give them a brake and keep up the good work.

 I am a hard blue collar worker and for over 36 years.

  I am counting on your vote to help! So go vote and you can change it. Or you know? It will be the same old same old ? Higher taxes and more people get frustrated and stress because they are just making ends meet and that sets a chain reaction at work and at home.

 I am behind the scene kind of guy to make sure it is done right and ask question's. I do not jump in front of a camera every time it goes off .They say a picture says 1000 words but what are the true meanings in the piture?

Doing The Right Thing  

Go to archives on salaries. Larry and some of the councilors took a pay raise ? Most of you voted for these people to keep the taxes down . But to take a pay increase defeats the purpose yes? And for the Mayor $30,000 increase it would be another job.